About MPR Media

Sydney, Australia

MPR Media is an innovative one-man branding and creative copywriting agency.

I work with inspired and inspiring brands on creating an irresistible identity and connecting with their customers through words that captivate, seduce, persuade and sell.

Brand Identities That Captivate and Seduce

Great brands don’t just make sales, they make connections.

Connections based on emotion rather than transactions.

The mark of a great brand is customers that are loyal beyond reason.


Brand Reviews


Brand Identities


About Us Pages


Origin Stories




Names & Descriptions


Landing Pages


Sales Copy


Online/Print Ads


Long-Form Copy


Peruse my portfolio of past copywriting work.

My Story

Fabian Colussi
Fabian Colussi
In 2001, I left my job to form my own direct mail business. I sold info products to both small business owners and gaming enthusiasts.


Very successfully, I might add. For about eight years.


That’s where I cut my teeth and developed my craft, old school style.


Paper and ink.


I studied the masters and applied what I learned.


Once the interwebz started booming, I took my copywriting insights and adapted them to two of my own online ventures over six years.


Now my calling is to collaborate with other brands.


Brands that inspire and uplift humanity.


Brands that are destined to move the needle.


Fabian Colussi.
Founder, MPR Media